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Penitentes as the origin of the bladed terrain of Tartarus Dorsa, Pluto

机译:penitentes是冥王星Tartarus Dorsa的刀刃地形的起源



Penitentes are ablative features observed in snow and ice that, on Earth, arecharacterized by regular cm to tens of cm spaced bowl-shaped depressions whoseedges grade into tall spires up to several meters tall (Nichols et al. 1939,Lliboutry et al. 1954, Claudin et al. 2015). While penitentes have beensuggested as an explanation for anomalous radar data on Europa (Hobley et al.2013), hitherto no penitentes have been identified conclusively on otherplanetary bodies. Regular ridges with spacing of 3000 m to 5000 m and a depthof $\sim500$ m with morphologies that resemble penitentes (Fig. 1) have beenobserved by the New Horizons spacecraft (Moore et al. 2016, Stern et al. 2015,Gladstone et al. 2016, Moore et al. 2017) in the Tartarus Dorsa (TD) region ofPluto (approximately 220-250$^\circ$ E, 0-20$^\circ$ N). Here we reportsimulations, based upon a recent model (Claudinet al. 2015) adapted toconditions on Pluto (Gladstone et al. 2016, Toigo et al. 2015), that reproduceboth the tri-modal orientation and the spacing of these features by deepeningpenitentes. These penitentes deepen by of order 1 cm per orbital cycle in thepresent era and grow only during periods of relatively high atmosphericpressure, suggesting a formation timescale of several tens of millions ofyears, consistent with cratering ages and the current atmospheric loss rate ofmethane. This time scale, in turn, implies that the penitentes formed frominitial topographic variations of no more than a few 10s of meters, consistentwith Pluto's youngest terrains.
机译:it悔是在冰和雪中观察到的烧蚀特征,在地球上,其特征是规则的厘米至数十厘米的碗状凹陷,其边缘可分为高达几米的高尖尖(Nichols等,1939; Lliboutry等,1954; Claudin等人,2015年)。尽管建议用pen悔者来解释欧罗巴上的异常雷达数据(Hobley等,2013),但迄今为止,尚未在其他行星体上确定地发现pen悔者。 New Horizo​​ns航天器观测到规则脊距为3000 m至5000 m,深度为\\ sim500 $ m,形态类似于pen节(图1)(Moore等人2016,Stern等人2015,Gladstone等人)等(2016,Moore等,2017)在冥王星的Tartarus Dorsa(TD)地区(大约220-250 $ ^ \ circE,0-20 $ ^ \ circN)。在这里,我们报告的模拟基于最近的模型(Claudinet等,2015),适用于冥王星上的条件(Gladstone等,2016; Toigo等,2015),通过加深对映体再现了三峰取向和这些特征的间距。在当前时代,这些pen悔体每个轨道周期加深约1厘米,并且仅在相对较高的大气压期间才增长,这表明形成时间尺度为数千万年,这与陨石坑年龄和当前的甲烷甲烷大气流失率一致。反过来,这个时间尺度意味着the悔期是由不超过几十米的初始地形变化形成的,这与冥王星最年轻的地形一致。



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